Dr Baback Amen
Dr Baback Amen is a medical doctor with a deep seated reverence for the entheogenic realm.
He has witnessed first hand the healing and evolutionary capabilities of the visionary plants, having sat alongside Indigenous elders in the Amazon rainforest, the deserts and plains of Mexico, and the reservations of North America, as well as having assisted in structured clinical psychedelic sessions alongside psychotherapists in urban settings.
Dr Amen’s foray into Psychedelic Medicine has been informed by his extensive training in pharmacology, physiology and the neurosciences, as well as by his ardent study of various mystical wisdom traditions. His interdisciplinary approach has afforded him unique insights into the therapeutic capabilities of entheogens, as well as an abiding faith in the potential of these sacrements to catalyse seismic shifts in the collective consciousness of humanity.
In keeping with his integrative philosophy, Dr Amen’s presentation explores two seemingly disparate perspectives into the therapeutic use of psychedelics, namely the scientific / reductionist model, and the indigenous shamanic approach. Through interviews with Indigenous elders, and also Western medicine carriers, Dr Amen seeks to examine how practitioners at the coalface of “The Psychedelic Revolution” can forge a new syncretic paradigm; One that incorporates the strengths of both empirical methods and Indigenous world views.
Dr Amen is a specialist Anaesthesiologist, as well as a Functional and Longevity Medicine practitioner. He is a graduate of the Mind Medicine Australia Course in Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy, and has sought to deepen his expertise in the arena of Psychedelic Medicine by way of observerships in the USA.
When he isn’t indulging his interminable wanderlust by travelling the globe in search of illumination and adventure, bathing in dust at Burning Man, or working himself silly in his private practice in Melbourne, Dr Amen is a resident of the Byron Shire. He is also a passionate percussionist, an avid yet amateurish surfer, a brazen biohacker, and an incorrigible health and fitness nut.