Leyolah Antara
Somatic Psychotherapist / Teacher / Author
She has co-created two albums, which are ecstatic dance journeys through the chakras, having sold over 100K albums globally.
She has studied Dance Movement Therapy, Transpersonal Counselling, and has recently graduated after three years of studying Hakomi Body-Centered Psychotherapy. She is currently training in Mindfulness-Based Couples Therapy. She has built an intimate temple studio on her property in the Northern Rivers, where she offers bespoke couples retreats.
She has an online mystery school called the Tantric Rose Mystery School and is a prolific creator of courses and programs to support the rising of feminine power in balance with the masculine.
Beloved Comm- UNITY
An Embodied Exploration of Loving Presence in Relationship
What does it mean to truly connect — to ourselves, to each other, and to the greater web of life? In this session, we will explore the essence of Beloved Community, and we’ll engage in embodied practice to dissolve the barriers that keep us separate — from one another, from the divine, and from our own true nature.
Beloved Community calls us to awaken to our evolutionary potential: the deep capacity within us for empathy, compassion, and inclusive love. This potential isn’t something we must create; it’s already here, waiting to be realised. Our work is to uncover the programming — both personal and collective — that keeps us from fully inhabiting Unity Consciousness.
Beloved Community is also an exploration of our relationship with our Inner Beloved. We will practice cultivating self-compassion and nurturing the eternal flame of love at the centre of our hearts.
We will engage in White Tantric energy practice to ignite the inner flames of light at the holy womb chakra (yes, men have one too), the heart chakra, and the third eye system.
Leyolah will share practices to embody the inner union of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine Principles of Creation to activate the Rainbow Light Body and connect into the unified field of creation.
You will be invited to open to the Pleiadian Star Systems, The Sophia Dragons, Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mother Mary, and Goddess Isis. You will be invited to embrace their assistance to upgrade your DNA to the frequency of love and compassion and shift the codes of fear and separation. We will explore what happens when we connect to the wider field of inter-dimensional allies and then from this place connect to others.
We will also explore the importance of boundaries, discernment, protection, and the art of guarding your own body temple and the sacred spaces you inhabit.
This inquiry is an invitation to be with your tender edges, to listen to your body and senses, embrace your multi-dimensionality, and connect it all to the healing path of building a beloved community.
Join us beyond the divides and into the heart of connection, through the mediums of dance-movement, tantric energy breathing, somatic inquiry, and whatever else wants to happen through us. All laid on a bed of awesome tunes.